Saturday, February 11, 2012

Middle age musings

All right I don't mind hedging toward the half century mark, but geez my body sure is not letting me forget it!
   I have Diabetes, nerve damage, bad eyesight, thinning hair,  arthritis and a pain in my shoulder that won't quit.  And when did these wrinkles get here?  I don't like this getting older thing, yea I know older and wiser, But come on,  When did people in their fifty's become my peer group?  Ok we do have fun, and do interesting things, but we fall asleep at ten o clock!  Rum and Vodka has become tea, but only if its caffeine free!   "Pigging out"  Means looking out for cholesterol, salt, or sugar,  I guess popcorn is still ok, in moderation! 
  I don't like having stiff joints, I used to to go roller skating, can't even imagine, and ride a bike, "what would happen if I fall off!"  I got bifocals last year, still have to ride the glasses precariously on the tip of my nose to read anything!   I am cold all of the time, I slept in a hooded sweatshirt last night!  Of course every now and then I wake up in a cold sweat, just to balance things out!
  We look at each other when these young celebs are on morning television, and say, "who the heck is that?  Then I say " I haven't got a clue!   I still call  DVDS  records,  I remember when Ding Dongs and Poptarts did not taste like cardboard, not that I get to eat those things anymore, just a fond memory  I remember when Laugh In, The Brady Bunch, And Carol Burnett where not in reruns.  I remember piling into the back of our car in our P.Js at the local Drive In.
  Our school pictures were in Black and White!   Our teachers wore Bee Hives and dresses!  My mom made me read scary books about Hippies.
  My Dad took pictures with flash bulbs.  Special effects were done with real stuntmen,  Walter Cronkite was the voice of real news and you believed him.  The Olympics were every four years and a big deal in our household.  And we only had a handful of channels to surf through, 2,4,7, 20 56,and 62.  My Dad listened to the tigers on a little transistor radio.
  Our parents ran into the store, and the bank while we waited in the car.  We did not wear pads and helmets and drove everywhere on our bikes.  We wore" non flamible"  P.Js ...My brother still managed to catch his on fire.
About ten years back I stopped being able to catch up with the current gaming  system.  I remember to this day the first time I saw a packman game, and the first time I went into a video store,  We did not talk to our dates in secret, the phone was attached to the wall in the kitchen.
So many memorys.  So if the body would just give me a break, I could look forward to seeing what the next phase of life will bring me, going to stop writing for now, I have a crick in my back!   Thanks for looking in,  Mrs Cook


  1. I know what you're saying. Just got out of an epsom salts bath and my shoulder is still aching. My pj day is starting right now- OK probably won't wear the pjs past getting up.

  2. I intend to wear mine all day! Well I probably won't but I would like to! I take epsom salt baths too! Thanks for your comments! I am glad you are reading my blog, See you soon! love Mrs Cook

  3. I am finding that I tire out quicker than I used to, and that's a drag for me. My mind acts as if I'm still 25 while my body is saying "Hey! Hey! Slow down! I can't catch up!!"
    My first video game that I not only saw but actually played was in the lobby of a motel room in Niagara Falls in September 1973 (yes, I remember this clear;y!) and it was pong - a sort of ping pong game.
    A long long time ago...

  4. Yes that's so true, I just paid an outrageous amount of money to see a movie, and i fell asleep during it! i have been thinking about Star Raiders a game we played on our first system, I think you had to type r and s etc to make the space ship shoot and move! Its great being at an age where you can remember what you did when you were five, but you can't remember why you walked into a store! L.ya Mrs Cook
