Sunday, February 19, 2012

How did I get here! My MINIATURE dream job.

  I am such a believer that If you are patient God will answer your prayers, or wishes, so much of what I do is directed by him, I often think How did I get here?  I found myself in that situation yesterday working at my favorite store Miniature Makers Workshop.  Some Saturdays I get to fill in for a worker who is recovering from a long illness.  In my entire life I had never worked at a store,, and certainly I have never worked with money before. {Other then small craft shows}  I have been working with kids for thirty years, but it has been about that long since I first came to Miniature Makers, when I was eighteen and sold the owners some little bananas I had made.  I had that Ah moment yesterday standing behind the counter, WOW I am really doing this!    Now the money part I am still getting used to,  But it is the interaction with the customers I really love, since I have been shopping there so long I know where most of the items are they are looking for are.  And  since I still Love miniatures as much as I did while peering into my Grandmothers Homemade dollhouse as a little girl,  I love talking with the customers who love to talk about Miniatures as much as I do!  Not every customer wants your sage advice, some are there to look around, and are lost in their own thoughts.  But some really like to talk, and some are really funny.  I think about myself when I see young people who are just starting their miniature dollhouses, and about my Grandma who got me involved with Minis, so long ago.  Some customers are seniors, who just glow picking out the items that are just right for their mini projects!  It is a fun place to be!  Who would have thought that I would get the opportunity to expand my horizons and try something totally different at this stage of my life.  One of the great things about Miniatures is that age really does not matter,  Its doing something fun and exciting and meeting people who are like minded, and most are the nicest people you would ever meet.  
So how did I get here!   Don't know, just happy to have the opportunity and grateful that it still is the thrill of a life time to be around miniatures!   Thanks for looking in.   Mrs Cook 



  1. Why yes it is! Still working on the Tittle picture!
    Thanks for your help! Enjoyed my visit today! Mrs Cook

  2. Hoping this Saturday gig can one day expand into something more. It's a perfect match for your talents.
