Thursday, May 24, 2012

A reenactor pep talk!

I just saw a comment from someone who had taken a ten year old to a reenactment, the person was complaining that we don't show the horrors of war properly.  I am not sure how graphic he wanted us to be,  after all we have to balance between entertaining people and teaching people.  If we really showed a true battle scene, with corpses, blood and flying limbs, very few people would come out, especially with family's. As I pointed out,  History with all its graphic details is available to everyone.  As this persons ten year old grows and matures he can learn and see pictures about war, and all of its horrors.
   We do as reenactors have a job to do,  and our number one priority, we must honor those who came before us.  We have to show the public that we are taking our history seriously,  that we care about the people whose lives we are portraying.  because people are watching us. If we act silly or  don't care about putting on a display without plastic bottles, or cell phones, then people will have disrespect for us as reenactors.  
   Nothing makes me angrier then when we are portrayed as idiots in the movies, or television.  We have to fight that by being the best historians, and presenters that we can possibly be, by knowing our history, by sharing our history in a noble way, and by realizing that we need the public if we want interest in our reenacting to grow and continue.
   So as our season begins in earnest, please keep in mind that not only does the public see what we do, but other reenactors have devoted their lives to teaching properly the lessons of history, time and money goes into the serious reenactors portrayal.  Anybody has the means to go modern camping, but to devote yourself to the entire Civil War experience, to be cold or hot, to get rained on, to have bug bites, to get tired from hauling, and cooking, that's the beginning of understanding just what "they" went through, and so much worse then even we can imagine.   
   So lets get out there and fight for their honor, and our reputations, and have a great season!   Mrs Cook  Laundress

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Put a positive face on it!

Recently I ventured away from my no comment rules about some things I saw in a loved ones postings that I bothered me.  
   It was about profile pictures and such that I saw as very negative to that persons outlook on life.  It may seem silly to some, but I have always been a firm believer that you should surround yourself with positive images, especially when you are going through tough times.  How you see yourself is a reflection of who you are, and where you are in life.
  I believe that we as people are here to reflect on Gods will, I think this matters as a place to start in life.  I believe in a loving God that does not spend his time punishing people, but has given us a refuge and a place to go when life has gotten hard.  
   After our car accident, I had two roads to go down, blame God for allowing it, or thank God for saving us, after all we survived didn't we.
    I also have a disease that probably will shorten my life, but I thank God that  through his strength I have found coping skills that have steered me away from obesity, and I have found the benefits  of eating healthy.  
   I Thank God that he has always put things into place in my life that kept me from going over the edge.  
   This is why when I see a person represent themselves with very negative images, I get upset by that.  Life is TOO SHORT,  I have gone through and have seen things that are upsetting, but I have managed, and I say only with Gods great plan for me, to have a loving family, the most comforting and wonderful friends, a husband who loves me, a son I love so much, survival skills at my job.  I am surrounded by children, who I love and who love me, I come home to my loving pets, I am surrounded by things that comfort me, Books, pictures, antiques, things that were once my beloved Grandmas, and yes, my Teddy bears.  These are all things that comfort me and make me happy when I am feeling depressed.  
   I am not saying all of this because I think life is easy, I think it is very hard, and harder at times. I am saying this because I think its just not right to dwell on the negative.  Some people use music to find comfort, some people plant gardens, some people have miniatures, or build models,or are into horses, :)  But the center has to be built on faith, reach out to good positive people, draw in positive energy to you.  Then you get to pay it back, and that feels even better.  
   As I say, {And Ferris } "Life is short, you better look around, or you might miss it."  If you are miserable, pray, throw out the negative, and pull that good energy in, don't beat yourself up about the past and things you can't change, but move forward, start a new day, even a new life.  I know its not easy, each day is a challenge, but if I can do it, anyone can, its just a gift to have life, don't let it go to waste.  Now go out and have a great day.   Thanks for checking in, Mrs Cook 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Getting ready to go home to Greenfield!

I have not written in a while, I have been working crazy hours right now,   I am trying to wrap my mind around getting ready for Greenfield village in just a few short weeks.   The usual problems have come up,  The big white van we use needs a major repair, I am broke as usual, will Dave be able to get anytime off?
  Despite all of this the excitement is building, it really is the Christmas time of our reenacting, everything else pales in comparison.  It is the BIG ONE!  
   As far as my health goes, I am holding up, My brothers birthday was last week, they had Pizza, I had salad, they had Bumpy cake and Ice cream, I had popcorn.  So I am starting to think about the food I will be cooking at Greenfield,  I usually have tons of bread and butter, pickled bologna,  sausage, and other food items I no longer eat.   I will not use this reenactment to wreck all of the hard work I have done.  What I can have is Chicken, fish, brown rice, beans, and grits perhaps for a treat I could have corn bread.  I hope my fellow reenactors, esp the people I cook for will understand.  Of course my fire and pots and pans are available if somebody just can't live with out her noodles!  Margy this is for you! LOL!  
   I do portray a POOR Laundress, so my diet would probably reflect that better anyway.  Of course I understand that reenacting is hard work, and it can be hot and taxing on your energy reserves, but there are things I can do to counter that,  If anything I expect to have more energy, I can bring protein sources like nuts, and I am bound to go begging for a boiled egg or two from the very charitable Mrs G.
   I have a suggestion to my fellow reenactors, bring some dry firewood with you, maybe a couple of those packs of dry-wood, my husbands gas station usually has these set out.  Greenfield is notorious for its really bad wood,  I think if you can get that first fire going, it will help the rest of the weekend.  A couple of years ago I spent hours just trying to get breakfast going, all of my tricks did not work!  I was not the only one.   Of course last years swamp is a bad memory in the annuals of fire starting,  I was lucky due to circumstances beyond my control I ended up on higher ground for my fire, pure luck on my part.
   As usual it can be very stressful getting ready, praying for working transportation, getting help lined up, Waiting for weather reports, but for the most part, I will say that once we are all set and done it is so worth while, it is a long event, we see our friends, some for the first time in a long while,  we get to test our skills to an audience that is paying good money to see us, we have the satisfaction in knowing that we are good at what we do,  we are ready to be seen and talk to thousands of people,  We get treated to perhaps the most lovely Civil war ball of all, in the most beautiful setting.  

   As we like to say for many of us Greenfield is going home.  More to come.......Thanks for looking in, Mrs Cook... Laundress


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Help, but don't push!

I want to write about people today who are well meaning, and who want to help you, but don't really listen to you.
   People sometimes get an idea in their head about what is best for you, and some of that is based on judgement of what the person they want to help needs, but maybe that is not the direction they really need to go in. 
  After all don't know what goes on behind closed doors when we make judgement calls on other people lives.   Everybody complains at one time or another, but sometimes thats mostly venting, real solutions have to be based on reality. 
   We are adults now, I have been in the working world 30 years, been married to the same man 24 years, I have a 22 year old son,  I have seen the best and the worst life has to offer.   In no way as I get older do I think I know everything.  I don't, but I know my own mind, and I know how to follow my instincts.  I admit I make lots of mistakes, but in general I live a decent, productive life, despite a lack of finances, and a disease I hate.  
   One thing I really hate is being told what I have to do, I will take anybody's advice, but I like to make up my own mind about things.  One thing I won't accept is pity, as I move through this life I have struggled, but I don't like to give in to depression and illness, I have both, but I want to be seen as a survivor, and a fighter.  
   I have found that the worst things that happened to me, happened because I did something that went against my better judgement,  and I paid a heavy price for it.
   Some people get really mad if you don't do exactly as they think you should,  In the means of trying to help you, maybe they are trying to assert some control over you, I don't know.  I guess if you really want to be somebody's friend, and you feel the need to help them, then don't attach strings to it, helping as a means to control people is not really helping.  
   Now on the other hand, I am not saying I don't appreciate people wanting to help me, and I really enjoy lending a hand when I can,but it has to be balanced out, so that nobody feels pushed, or guilty either way.  Again life has to balance out, that's what real friendship is all about. 
  Friends do this for each other all of the time, giving and taking, one moment listening to your laughter, one moment drying your tears.  
   I pray I do both, as a friend.   Thanks for looking in, Mrs Cook