Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pink Slime...How delicious!

So we are hearing all about Pink Slime in the news. Ammonia is  being added to ground beef.  YUM!   Even better our schools serve it up because it is cheaper!  When Jamie Oliver tried to get Schools to consider healthy options for schools he was pretty much booted out.
   I spent so many years of my life eating garbage, It was literally killing me, in just short of two months on my own "SUPER FOODS PLAN"  I feel better, I am less tired, I have sharper thinking. 
   Just think of what this GARBAGE DIET is doing to our kids, because we are so  busy we have no time to cook fresh, because we are inundated with corporate advertising aiming clowns and cartoons at our children, We aim for Boxes, and cans to fill up our children when we do have the time to "cook".   
    What hurts me is  children are fed diets high in sugar, high in salt, fried, and full of dyes and preservatives, then sit for hours playing video games.   We then wonder why they can't function in school, and then allow them to be given prescription drugs{ with side effects}  to help them concentrate!
   You would not fill your cars gas tanks with garbage and expect the car to run for long, How do we expect people to do it?
    I also hear so much political speak from people who don't think anybody should have any say so in how family's choose to feed children, maybe so, but this generations children are the most obese, most destined for diabetes, and sedentary generation that has been raised in a virtual video game world.  
    All of this costs money, as so many are uninsured, more and more people will need "medication"  to cure them of the things they could have avoided had their parents been able to provide them with a healthy diet.   As the poor are being cut from Food stamps and welfare, the likely hood of this generation getting healthier is pretty slim. and the target audience for garbage food is aimed at the poor, because it is cheap and quick.
   I don't know what the answer is.  There is no easy answers,  We are a tradition orientated society, If you ate POP Tarts and Chocolate covered sugar cereal for breakfast your kids probably do too.  If Mcdonalds was the place to go when you were being given a TREAT out, then that's probably what you do with your kids too.  I am just saying we are repeating the same unhealthy mind sets over and over again that leads to diseases like diabetes and obesity.  I am paying for a life time of thinking that way, loving the Garbage, and rejecting healthy food.  
   As far as "PINK SLIME" goes, ask your School district if that's whats on the menu, bother them with questions, because its only when people fight these things and care that the policy's will change.  These are our kids, whats more important then that?    
            Thanks for looking in, Mrs Cook

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