I am trying to approach my new resolve to help my self, with a diet plan that to me makes so much good sense, that I ask myself why has it been so difficult for me to just do it.
As I wrote previously the pressure on Diabetics is intense. One issue I have, and again I will tell you this is my experience and personal thoughts, Is the fight with white foods.
White foods, including Bread, Potatoes, Rice, and others, are over processed and have been mostly stripped of their vitamins and fiber. These starches break down very quickly and turn into sugar super fast. The problem I have is that they taste good, super bland comfort food, Now heres what I think happens to me, I begin to crave these bland foods, I would rather have had a thick cut of soft white bread with a huge slab of butter, then even a brownie. I believe that when we are stuck in a carbo craze cycle, we begin to lose our taste for the stronger flavors of fruits and vegetables. I eat the white carb, crave more, then fall asleep, The next day the cycle repeats itself. All the while raising my sugars higher and higher. The pain level in my legs and arms has also increased on this cycle.
These are the steps I am trying to take to end this carb crazing and reduce my pain.
1. I have reduced my caffeine intake down to about a cup a week, and trying to get it down to even less.
Everybody says they can't live without their coffee or pop. I said that as well, but I found through research, and my own experience that caffeine stimulates the nerves and aggravated my pain. It also kept me up at night, and caused my kidneys to act up. I am finding that in time I am getting through my day, and sleeping better, also my heart is not pounding so much, especially at night.
2. I have begun to take some vitamins.
I felt that because I had been eating so poorly, I should try some vitamins and I started taking some D, some fish oil, C and a basic multi-vitamin. There is a lot of things said about supplements, I would say spend a little bit of money to buy better quality vitamins, but don,t think that they will wipe out the effects of your poor diet
3. I am trying a diet somewhat based on a whole food approach, but I prefer to think of it as a Super Foods Plan
Its amazing to me that once I do reduce the white carbs, the taste of Fruits and vegetables becomes so good to me. I had forgotten how much I love the taste of spinach salad, strawberry's, apples, even broccoli. I am trying to make every thing I eat count. There are a lot of books and articles written about Super Foods, These are some of mine....Raw spinach, Broccoli, Berrys, Apples, Almonds, Brown rice, Yams, Salmon, Avocado, Whole Oats, Lean chicken, Soy foods like Tofu . I am also replacing White milk with Almond Milk.
4. Eliminating white flour.
The most difficult part because so much of my plan. So much of my food pleasure and pain has revolved around white flour and products made from white flour. I LOVE bread, but I HATE what it has done to me in terms of my super high sugar, my former obesity, the PAIN, The make up of my former diet was based on bread, buns, pretzels, cookies, cereal, crackers, and so many products that have wheat based ingredients. More then just the high sugar I have digestive pain. You can try whole grain bread if you can,t live with out it, but go for breads with at least seven whole grains, the chewy kind.
5. Reduction of Butter, Salt, Fatty Meats, Sauces with high salt, and sugar.
It just goes without saying that a healthy diet reduces the need for the fat, sugar and salt. Enough has been written on these subjects. Its just common sense!
That's my plan. It is not difficult, costly or based on strange concepts. It only requires the willpower to stick to it in the face of pressure. It will take a day by day desire to live a life that is not PAIN filled, a real desire to get off the couch and lead an active positive life. A real want to reduce or eliminate costly medication with unwanted side effects.
Thanks for checking in, Mrs Cook
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