So this is Mrs Cook, She is a lady of the eighteen sixties Civil war era. She is a middle class woman who had a pretty typical life. She was married and raised a son. She was by no means wealthy, but she lived a comfortable life. She even had the help of a domestic, who helped her with some of the heavier chores around the house a couple of times a week. She was a good cook and kept a tidy house. Family meant everything to her. She has a Brother and a sister who married well and was more well to do , but they lived in another state, although at that time she did send weekly letters, as did Mrs Cook, back to her.
Mrs cook was born around 1816, she was educated mostly by her parents. She learned to read by learning passages from the bible. Her mother taught her all of the skills needed to be a good wife. She married and moved onto a small farm, her life was pretty normal. She knew enough about current events, but was more concerned about her family's affairs, and the goings on in her local church and community. She was faithful and attended her church weekly, she was kind resourceful, Sometimes she could be opinionated, but she was a lady first and foremost. She and her husband were respectful of each other, She doted on her only child, secretly wishing she could have had more children, but that was simply not to be.
Mrs Cook expected that her life would be pretty much the same for years to come. The daily routine of her life was pretty much like clock work, Sundays were for Church and quite reflection, Mondays and Tuesdays were for doing laundry....All the days of the week were set aside for a special task. Unless you were so Ill that you could not get out of bed, a rare occurance, your days were pretty routine. her life also revolved around the seasons, each with its special pleasures and trials. Her life in northern Pennsylvania was far removed from the rumblings of discourse that were beginning to occur in other parts of the country, she dismissed any talk of these things, at that time because she could not see how her life would be affected. Any thoughts of her beloved being involved simply would not be allowed into her thoughts. There was too much to do on her farm, and she was middle aged now, and determined to be content and happy. She was looking forward to Grandchildren, and now that her son had become engaged, it seemed that that dream would come true. tomorrow.
Thanks for looking in, The story about Mrs Cook will continue
Mrs Cooks Dream of a Grand child
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