One of the things that I am finding out, now that I have chosen the world of the living, is that I am very annoyed at how unorganized I am. I HATE wasting time looking for things! This is hard sharing living space with other people. I suppose If I lived by myself I would live in this super clean ultra organized world, where I never lost anything. Probably not though! I have the other side to deal with, the crafter, collector., who never wants to throw anything away, because I might use it someday! I saved all of my sons baby cloths for that reason, now should he decide to procreate his baby might not want Twenty five year old cloths, although the 80s styles will always be cool to me!
I also probably don't need any more Teddy bears, even if I do only rescue Boyds, brown vintage looking Teddys. But garage sale season is upon us, so I might have to find a few more unfortunate bears stuffed away in boxes that deserved a better fate!
Now I am no hoarder, I do rotate the bears, and I do pretty much keep my ever growing miniature collection confined to the back room. Of coarse My real life animal population keeps my house in an ever untidy situation, but unconditional love, or a super germaphobe home...I guess I made my choice there!
Still I long for a life where my keys are always in the same place, when I want to show a friend a favorite DVD, it would always be in the same location...and IN THE BOX! My slippers always ready to be on my feet when I want them. I would love to reach for the peanut butter, and have more then a half teaspoon left in the bottom. A clean car...wishful thinking!
Now I have to admit, since I am being honest here, its not really anybody that I live withs fault. Most of the mess is mine. Every now and then I get myself in a mood to fix some of it, like organizing the paper work, and I hung up some hooks, a simple solution. I have been trying to put things in one place, like the car keys...side pocket in purse....purse on hook...
Since I have been on my life plan, and all of the healthy changes I am making it only makes sense to make changes in other areas. After all I am about peace, and I don't like drama in my life. Clutter is drama to me, since I lose my peace the most when I can't find something.
So my two sides are at war with each other, with neither is winning the battle. I suppose that is a good thing, because it sort of all balances out.
Can't be a total germ freak, can't be a hoarder, I guess thats ok, but I will make changes to make live easier as best I can, Its all good!
Thanks for looking in, Mrs COOK
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