So as I get healthier on my new plan,I am reading and taking in a lot of information. Also conflicting opinions. What I Choose to write about is my personal experience and how my "Super Food plan" is working for me. I can say that as far as the FAST FOOD experience goes, I am choosing to agree that fast food was not a benefit to me, it was too quick, too easy to run into too, and too cheep. As far as my worst offender, Mcdonalds, Here is a true story.
Before "Supersize me" came out I tried a little experiment myself, As I had only about a half an hour between jobs, I would run into Mcdonalds, as it was on the way. I bought a Happy Meal every time, with six to ten nuggets, fry's, and a diet pop. I also ate dinner at Mcdonalds quite a lot.
I decided that I would eat the same thing everyday for two weeks straight, plus dinner, usually a cheeseburger, or a Southern fried Chicken sandwich, with fry's, I ate the nuggets everyday. I was really hoping I would get sick of it so much that I would want to break this habit. I found the opposite was true! I craved it MORE!! I never got sick of it. I did not do this as a medical experiment, so I did not keep track of sugar, and cholesterol. I wish I had, but I know how it made me feel, tired, lethargic, fuzzy thinking. At the time I also ate junk food, and I am honest to say that months might go by with out me putting a single substantial vegetable on my plate. I know that's when my sugar really got out of control, and my weight was in the 160s.
Now I would hope that most people reading this would never be so careless with their health, But every time you put your fuel in your body, your food choice, it should count. And a tiny bag of Apples to make up for the fat and salt and sugar in the rest of the fast food diet just is not much improvement
Oh and by the way, we had a bag of those little apples open, out on the counter for about a month and they never turned BROWN! Try that with a fresh Apple!
A fast food diet for children is wrong. If done as an occasional treat, do what you have to do. But "Happy meals" as a substitute for real healthy food is wrong.
It is also wrong for adults, with obesity sky rocketing, and diabetes on the rise, to forget that in their hurry to race through life, that health matters, and every time you fill yourself up with junk, you have missed the opportunity to help yourself stay healthy, So many people pass off unhealthy behavior as " You have to die sometime"! Well I was coming pretty close to that, and I decided, and I hope its not to late, that I want to LIVE! And shouldn't children be given that opportunity also! You can fool yourself that an unhealthy lifestyle isn't hurting you because you can't see it at first, but it will come back to bite you. I know, this is my personal experience.
Thanks for looking in, Mrs Cook
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